
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Overstretched European families up against the demands of work and care Essay

Care Policies Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Care is defined as provision of what is appropriate for welfare, health, protection and maintenance of something or someone. Care policies are acts that that guides people to seek serious consideration or attention so that they can carry on with their daily activities in an appropriate manner. Care policies must be unique to the type of service being offered and be developed in cooperation with the service community. Policies are developed depending on the need or conditions. However, the policy has to be introduced to the community and explain the future plans of development. The main concern is to know how to develop policies that meet the needs of the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In various parts of the continent there has been a reverse of roles whereby women are getting involved in paid employment. This has altered the traditional role of the father as the breadwinner of the family since this model presume that women can be dependent to care for children, frail and older relatives as well as disabled family members. The paper seeks to acknowledge how care policies are developed. The paper focus on the relationship connecting how constituencies formulate care claims and the manner these care policies are prepared and delivered in diverse regional, national and historical perspective. The main focus is on the care policies for employed parents in Europe, but it also briefly analyze policies for unpaid careers and disabled citizens.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The paper aim at providing an explanation within particular framework of the rapport between ; the connection of claims based on the needs of those who receive and those who provide care, the logics and political frames which are concerned to meet care needs, as well as the implications of such policies to distinct care providers and care receivers. The policy should be consistent with the values, goals and the mission of the service to be provided. The policy should as well be applicable to the management structure as well as the type of service being provided. The care policy should also follow the format used in other policies. There should also be regulatory and legislative mandates governing the policy as it apply to the type of service. This among other factors will determine how well the policy addresses the need and thus provide the service in the best way possible. Every year organizations are called upon to review their policies and procedures so that they can meet the required terms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The book Gender and social policy in a global context by Razavi and Hassim explain how economic and social rights have been traditionally prepared and modeled by the procedure of economic and political change, and by design and normative postulations of social institutions. The book reveals that these assumptions and processes are in depth gendered even in phases where official political parity has been achieved. The book uncovers the gendered structure of the society and it highlights the significance of thinking ahead of markets and states in societal provisioning, also incorporating interaction analysis between social institutions, especially family and society. Though there have been a lot of radicalization in the care and balance of work in many communities, the book shows in many circumstances these alterations have been reestablished rather than masculinity wrinkled inequalities. In order to acknowledge the results, it is important to explore the rapport between the values and presuppositions on which social institutions are represented in different nations and the approaches in which they have structured work access and burdens to entitlements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Policies and procedures describe how care providers can plan to operate their program. Working parents in Europe have easy access to openly funded schemes offering superior care. European countries provide appropriate alternative models of child care. However, different European countries have different systems of child care policies. For example, French child care is anticipated basically as early childhood education and is free to all kids despite of the socio-economic type. In France, many children are registered in the full-day and undergo same national scheme, with the same prospectus and their teachers are paid good salaries by the same state bureau. On the other hand, Denmark offers a â€Å"non-school model† with a primary aim of helping working parents not to educate their children. In European countries child care expenses are considered as a social liability and are funded by the public. European countries also highly rega rd the Family leave Act as compared to other nations such as United States. European legislative board also emphasizes on the number of hours that parent work as a significant factor that moulds the approach of how kids are thought about and people providing the care. European working parents work for few hours and weeks so that they can have time to care for their children. This is a very important step since parent care is not easy since it requires full attention. It poses very difficult to balance time between office work and taking responsibility as a parent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The rates of maternal employment are high in European countries, but parents are able to balance between work and family responsibility. There are three major care policies for working parents in Europe which are: publicly provided or subsidized early childhood care and education program, paid parenting leaves that allow parents to care for their children without forfeiting their income or jobs, and working time policies that increase alternatives for part-time, reduced-hour and high-quality employment. Collective-bargaining agreements and legislation forbid employers from mistreating part-time employees. European care policies that protect parental time are attached with superior public early childhood care and education program. In unison these policies back up provision of safe, developmentally nurturing care for kids since birth until the beginning of their primary school. In Sweden, working parents are entitled to 15 months paid paren tal leave and the parents also have statutory right to work for at least six hours a day until their children turn 8 years. European countries acknowledge the importance of parent care since the parent is the child’s first teacher. Parent care is very crucial since it will shape the child development process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, European care policies are far much better off as compared to other countries such as United States. In European countries child care expenses are well thought-out as social responsibility and are funded by the public while in U.S. parents pay for child care services. European countries formulate care policies to protect the working parent by offering alternatives such as part-time, reduced-hour and high-quality employment. These care policies in European countries are very crucial to working parents since they help the parent to balance between work and family responsibility. References Boca, D. (2007). Social policies, labour markets and motherhood: a comparative analysis of European countries. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. DrobnicÃÅ'Å’, S. (2011). Work-life balance in Europe: the role of job quality. Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. KroÃÅ'ˆger, T., & SipilaÃÅ'ˆ, J. (2005). Overstretched European families up against the demands of work and care. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. Razavi, S., & Hassim, S. (2006). Gender and social policy in a global context: uncovering the gendered structure of ‘the social’. New York: Palgrave Macmillan The European Model. (n.d.). What we can learn from how other nations support families that work. Retrieved May 29, 2014, fromhttp://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Europe/European_Model_Families.html Source document

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case: Balance Sheet and Personal Financial Information

Case Study Companies must report or disclose in their financial statements information about all liabilities, including potential liabilities related to environmental clean-up. There are many situations in which you will be asked to provide personal financial information about your assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses. Sometimes you will face difficult decisions regarding what to disclose and how to disclose it. Instructions Suppose that you are putting together a loan application to purchase a home. Based on your income and assets, you qualify for the mortgage loan, but just barely.How would you address each of the following situations in reporting your financial position for the loan application? Provide responses for each of the following situations. a) You signed a guarantee for a bank loan that a friend took out for $20,000. If your friend doesn’t pay, you will have to pay. Your friend had made all of the payments so far, and it appears he will be able to pay in the future. For this situation I would be personally liable for the $20,000 he borrowed. It is both a liability and an expense for both parties.When applying for my loan I would have to make sure to disclose that all payments have been made and on time. Since my friend never failed to make any payments I shouldn’t face too much resistance from getting the loan. In my opinion I would not share or disclose this information with the bank since this particular situation does not seem it will become a problem. b) You were involved in an auto accident in which you were at fault. There is the possibility that you may have to pay as much as $50,000 as part of the settlement. The issue will not be resolved before the bank processes your mortgage request.In this case you are have earned a liability and another expense. It would be highly unethical not to disclose such information with the bank. If for some reason you omit this information and the bank finds out about it later, you could b e at fault since you lied to the institution that evaluated their risks without taking in consideration all of the factors involved. It would be wiser to settle your liability of 50,000 dollars before acquiring new expenses. c) The company at which you work isn’t doing very well, and it has recently laid off employees.You are still employed, but it is quite possible that you will lose your job in the next few months. Since the probability of you losing your job is undisclosed I don’t think it would be necessary to disclose any of this information with the bank. However if you receive a loan and lose your job you would still be held liable with this current expense. The only way to make a definite decision is to wait and see what happens with your company, or in the other if you want to take a risk and make the loan it would be unwise to disclose your current possibility of losing your job.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Literature synopsis project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Literature synopsis project - Essay Example The book is for those people struggling with nicotine addiction. The author used inspiring stories and messages from real women who have struggled with nicotine addiction. These includes intrauterine growth retardation and adverse health effects, during pregnancy (Allen, 2002). Moreover, it affects the foetal growth and childbirth weight leading to abnormal bleeding as well as premature birth. The author argues the factors leading to nicotine addiction are unemployment, low level of education, increased stress and poverty. This is very effective because it eliminate psychological factors that result to cigarette addiction. There are several cases that women smokers continue smoking during pregnancy. Maternal smoking pregnancy is associated with adverse outcomes, for example, 150-200g decrement in in childbirth weight and high neonatal mortality rate. In addition, infants have a higher risk of infant death syndrome, language problem, behavioral problem and antisocial problems. In other words, maternal smoking pregnancy reduces the development of central nervous system in such a way that it may predispose the infant to various neurobehavioral problems. Nomura, Gilman and Buka (2011) found that the children of women who smoked more than twenty cigarettes in a day were at a greater risk of alcohol disorder and neurobehavioral problems. Thus, there should be intervention on mother to reduce smoking during pregnancy. Yoko Nomura, Stephen Gilman and Stephen Buka (2013). Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Risk of Alcohol Use Disorders Among Adult Offspring, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72(2): 199–209 Cigarette smoking is harmful to both mother and unborn child because its carcinogenic effect on various organs. Smoking during pregnancy accelerates the risk associated with intrauterine growth retardation and adverse health effects (Chung et al., 2001). In addition, it affects the foetal

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Personal aspect management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal aspect management - Essay Example In the organizational context, influencing implies commitment to the desired result enough to spend needed energy to achieve it. The concept of influencing is connected with commitment defined as a state of being in which employees become bound to a particular actions by a belief system that sustains those actions and their own involvement. In many situations (conflicts, disputes and decision-making) influencing is important as an instrument to achieve some preconceived state or desire (Fabian 54). It arises out of a felt need (important enough to cause use of energy) and a mechanism (the control over resources needed by others) that allows for possible improvement of that need. According to Beardwell et al (2001) the power sources include legitimate, expert, reward, coercive, referent. These sources of power are intentional and instrumental in its use. Leaders and managers activate them only as they value the possible outcome sufficiently to expend needed energy in power action. The process of persuading employees is based on argumentation and reasoning. Persuading process can be explained as a relationship in which an employee independently weighs reasons another person. Armstrong (2001) underlines that persuading is central to man's continuing concern for administration and organization. How people organize and relate to each other to get planned goals accomplished is central to organization and administrative theory. The overreaching problem of organization life is securing follower compliance. This compliance comes without losing the long-term amicable relationship between the person desiring compliance and the person whose behavior change we seek. And this must be done with an eye on conserving scarce resources. Influencing and persuading allows management to guide employees and customers, their actions and preferences (Austin, Pinkleton 38). Influence and persuasion are commonly exhibited through orders the managers issue to someone subordinate to them. They can be seen as coercive resource employees get by virtue of authority grants from those above and below us in the social structure. It is often logical, reasoned, legitimate, and systematic in its application and use (Barham, Conway 45). A number of studies have demonstrated that situational factors moderate the attitude-behavior relationship. Individuals differ profoundly in their use of persuasive message strategies. Certain people consistently employ manipulation and deceit, whereas others eschew these tactics. Some people use emotional appeals, whereas others resort to threat. Research has examined individual differences in compliance-gaining attempts to determine the impact that personality and demographic factors exert on message strategy selection. First, participants in the various studies are probably more mindful and self-conscious about their message strategy selections than are communicators in the real world By asking respondents to respond to a series of hypothetical scenarios or to construct a persuasive message, researchers found that respondents reflected on their persuasion behavior (Hannagan 49-52). In the workplace, supervisors who clearly identify the performance expectations of their subordinates and inform them of their degree of conformance to the stated requirements may be providing their subordinates with feelings of control and reducing their feelings of uncertainty. Employees who know that they are acting

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The russian economy from the fall of communism (1991) to joing the wto Essay

The russian economy from the fall of communism (1991) to joing the wto (2012) - Essay Example f government keeping in mind the end goal to stay in force or increase control by offering enormous financial changes to conciliate the masses or to keep most essential parts of society prosperous and substance (Barnett and Vincent, 2005)3. Despite the fact that students of history would contend that in large portions of these cases, it is just as simple to contend, if not all the more thus, that at the heart of each issue that brought about or could result in transformation were basic monetary intentions, either for the regular man or the decision tip top. In 1991 the Democratic Party and its pioneer, Boris Yeltsin, was left in control of Russia in the wake of superseding the socialist party4. The democrats had a noteworthy issue staring them in the face: keeping in mind the end goal was to dispose of socialism, they would need to do a lot of harm to everything socialism had managed in the nation. This incorporated Russias economy and political structure. The democrats had not anticipated that would come into force as all of a sudden as they had, and thus President Yeltsin had no acceptable arrangements in regards to the move that must be made5. At the point when little was carried out in the first month of Yeltsins tenet to enhance the emergency confronting the country, the Russian individuals started to get agitated as they acknowledged how serious an impact the evacuation of socialism would have on both the economy and their regular life. Yeltsin was the leader of Russia in the early 1990s. His role was to unite all the democrats and groups in order to create an environment for the Russian economy. Yeltsin chose to work with democrats only, which did not help Russia’s economy. In 1991, Yeltsin together with his guides, including Yegor Gaydar who was an economist, created a system of radical monetary changes. The Russian government and the Supreme Soviet additionally stretched out pronouncement forces to the president requesting for a one-year time for the

Friday, July 26, 2019

2 short cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

2 short cases - Essay Example Originally, he agreed to lend me the amount without interest as long as I pay it back on time. I had used the borrowed money to buy some school books and also some decent clothes. I had planned to pay it back on time using my earnings from my part-time job waiting on restaurant tables in my spare time on weekends when I am not so busy. My dilemma is that I now already have the $100 in my pocket, ready to pay him back. A totally unexpected problem came up just the other day, with my mom informing me my grandma had suffered another of her usual asthma attacks and needed some medication immediately. This out-of-the-blue development caught me by surprise since grandma had been well long enough in this regard, meaning she had not suffered asthma for several years already and I had thought she had finally gotten over this ailment. My mom called up me to buy my grandma her medicine at a nearest drugstore within our locality. The problem was that just a few minutes earlier, I called up my friend and informed him I was going to his place to hand him back his money as repayment and as a fulfillment of my promise a month earlier to pay it back on time. Our neighborhood is a bit run down and is on the poorer side of our community. As such, it has been a haven for petty criminals although I have some friends among them. These friends are usually just juvenile delinquents who have plenty of time on their hands and nothing better to do with their spare time and extra energies. The key to survival in this part of town is to just keep your head down and mind you own business so nobody will interfere with you also. On one of my shopping expeditions in one of our neighborhood grocery outlets, I meet 2 former school mates from high school. They both said they have no jobs and had fallen on hard times brought by the economic downturn. They were looking for a job and both

New procedure that physicians would like to adapt in the hospital Essay

New procedure that physicians would like to adapt in the hospital - Essay Example First, a new process must follow the ANA Standards of Practice and the Nurse Practice Act. Further, the process should uphold the rights of patients and also be safe. Second, the new procedure must be backed by relevant nursing theories and literature. The process must have a backing of conclusive information and data from reputable health sources like the nursing organizations. Having this would ensure that the procedure is based on evidence. The third step in determining the scope of the new process would be to evaluate the professional opinions of other nurses with similar professional training. The point implies that other nurses should propose such a process or approve it in case they are in a situation that it can be applied. According to the Texas Board of Nursing (n.d), nurses are supposed to follow ‘standard care practice’ in dealing with emerging situations. A new process must have a nursing remedy in case of further complications as a result of the new practice. Nurses should be in a position to accept any repercussion that emanate from the new process. Before following the new practice, the nurses must first determine the consequences and the applicable laws, should they violate the safe care doctrine. Introducing a new process to fellow practitioners and physicians is a tricky process. The initial step is to educate the physicians and the nurses about the rationale and the reasons for adopting the new practice and get their initial response towards the new process. When the concerned parties are in agreement about a new process, then implementation becomes easier. The physicians and nurses should be assured that the practice does not violate the professional terms that they all subscribe to. An awareness program should be created to educate the health practitioners on the specifics of the practice and the desired outcomes. It is important to educate them on the new practice since it does not exist in the current nursing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dreyfus and Kelly's Take on Nihilism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dreyfus and Kelly's Take on Nihilism - Essay Example However, this is not the case. Ultimately, what a nihilist believes and understands is the fact that no truth, reality, morality, or levels of any measurable norms can be inferred. As such, the nihilist is led to the understanding that the negation of objective meaning, purpose, or some type of value, is part and parcel of the worldview that such a philosophy espouses. In effect, the reader should come to the understanding that an individual that believed in nihilism would quickly denote that no objective reason or rational exists for any action or consequence; rather, the nihilistic approach would conclude that no moral good or objectivity can be derived from any situation – creating a litany of possible scenarios and outcomes. This can of course be denoted with regards to the means through which well-known philosophers such as Frederick Nietzsche, Soren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, and a litany of others integrated with such an understanding of nihilism and the approach th at it portends. Naturally, one of the most famous of all of these philosophers that have thus far been discussed is Frederick Nietzsche. Although it was not Nietzsche that came up with the construct and philosophical approach of nihilism, is perhaps most famous for championing it in the face of considerable opposition and a climate of incredulity during his own era. The ultimate view of Dreyfus and Kelly revolves around an understanding that although Nihilism represents a unique and fascinating chapter of the philosophical development of modern mankind, it is somehow no longer applicable to the current universalism and broadly accepted mores and norms of our time. As compared to Wallace and Gilbert’s suggestions for coping with nihilist worries, the authors take a similar tact and promote an understanding that even though certain aspects of nihilist philosophy can be accepted, the more stringent aspects of it must be denied out of hand. Ultimately, it is the view of this auth or that the dismissive nature through which the authors integrate with nihilism neither does it service nor seeks to address the underlying root core for why an individual might be attracted to such a philosophical integration. In short, the reason for why the authors approach falls short is due to the fact that nihilism in and of itself seeks to address the failures of traditional philosophy and philosophical thought; something that the authors of the text fare no better at explaining. The nihilistic problem, as defined by Sean Kelly, is with regards to whether or not nihilism is in fact an emotional state of being or a philosophical framework of understanding. The differential that was not understood during the time in which nihilism was most employed, written about, and argued, is essential in seeking to define what level of integration nihilism deserves within the current era. Ultimately, Sean Kelly denotes that nihilism is in fact an emotional state of being a philosophical fra mework (Dreyfus & Kelly 250). Although this point as well argued, it is the view of this author that it is ultimately incapable of describing the complexity of the dynamics of philosophy

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tx gov Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tx gov - Essay Example The death penalty has been utilized for a large number of years because of the physiological trepidation it exacts on the individuals who witness and find out about capital punishment. The utilization of this form of punishment has served to lessen rates of crime and adjust the brains of future criminals to dissuade them against carrying out terrible wrongdoings like murder, injustice, terrorism, espionage and kidnappings. Backers say it discourages wrongdoing while abolitionists say it is illegal (Siegel 121). The most noticeably awful repulsiveness of the criminal justice framework is the execution of an innocent individual. Over a long period of time, proof has demonstrated an unsatisfactorily high risk of sentencing innocent individuals in a criminal justice framework that is so defective. A few late executions have demonstrated that deadly injection which is rampantly used for executions can frequently be agonizing and inclined to failure that ends up torturing the executed individual. Lately, as pharmaceutical makers have withdrawn consent to utilize their medications in executions, states have much of the time neglected to acquire safe options and been compelled to cover their executions under shrouds of mystery. The outcome has been an absence of responsibility for state governments in connection to mess up executions (Sorensen and Pilgrim 12). A method for defending capital punishment is that is seen as a technique which can be made into an exhibition for the general public. This thus builds up the manner of thinking that those found guilty are no longer wanted to be part of human society and thus must be dealt with in a way that is esteemed proper. According to Chenwi (59), the human rights as natives of the United States apply to the upright and good individuals and the bad individuals in equal measure. Many people argue that death penalty makes the families of the murdered

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fourwinds Marina case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fourwinds Marina case study - Assignment Example In terms of strengths, the Four Winds Marina has a lot of previous business experience. It is also catering to loyal domestic clients who frequent it on a regular basis. With charges of 21 to 33 dollars per night, the marina is also quite affordable for the majority of citizens. The Four Winds also has extensive grounds and numerous amenities which make it possible for improvements to be made, signaling a potentially high rate of growth. In regards to weaknesses, the Four Winds Marina has not been experiencing peak performance in spite of the hiring of an assortment of general managers. The general manager of the Four Winds could also be a liability if he is completely unable to fully understand all the operations that are required in order for improvements to be realized more technical operations. Keltner is already saddled with responsibilities, as it stands more technical operations. He may need to speak with his boss, Taggart, about the possibility of hiring other skilled and acc omplished assistants who will leave him free to make decisions in what he feels comfortable with, while leaving the other, more technical operations, to his more accomplished junior assistants. This will also ensure that the general manager does not grow too tired with his responsibilities. Sandy has also not invested in more research and development operations that may be necessary to remain relevant. In terms of opportunities, there are numerous developments that the marina is looking to effect.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The achievement of civil rights so slow in the period 1954-1957 Essay Example for Free

The achievement of civil rights so slow in the period 1954-1957 Essay Why was the progress towards the achievement of civil rights so slow in the period 1954-1957? From 1954-1957 significant legal progress in the field of civil rights was made, thus instilling confidence in the black community, however due to a number of factors putting these achievements into practice was halted and so civil rights progressed at a slow rate throughout this period of time. In 1954 Brown Vs Topeka was brought before the Supreme Court, with Brown winning the appeal with a unanimous vote. This was a landmark verdict, due to the fact that the judge, Earl Warren had been newly appointed by President Eisenhower and was a Southern Republican, therefore he disobeyed Eisenhower with the decision. Eisenhower was later stated as saying, The biggest damn fool mistake I ever made. Therefore demonstrating the Presidents lack of support for the ruling. It was a triumph for the NAACP who had provided the lawyer Thurgood Marshall and had pushed the case through. It overthrew Plessy Vs Ferguson and so was expected to bring about a dramatic change for black civil rights. Although in principal Brown should have brought about a significant change, the progress from the court decision, to putting desegregation in schools into practice was very slow. This was partly due to the court hearing, as no date was set for when the desegregation of schools must be completed, this resulted in the whites ignoring the court hearing, so maintaining the same ignorant attitude as before. However the court decision had empowered the black community and so Brown II was brought before the courts in 1955, again however this did not result in a definite result. President Eisenhower was also a significant reason for the slow progress of civil rights. When he took over from President Truman, he inherited the beginnings of a strong civil rights campaign, however Eisenhower did not share this same drive. He failed to take substantial leadership towards enforcing the verdict, as he was afraid of stirring up opposition, resentment and disorder in the South. He also did not believe that it was appropriate to interfere in individual state matters, although general consensus suggests that if he had shown strong leadership then the bill would have been put into practice at greater speeds. He believed that race relations would gradually improve on their own accord. Although Brown Vs Topeka overthrew Plessy Vs Ferguson, after the ruling no steps were taken to desegregate public places, again showing the slow progress. However the black community were fed up and so decided to take the matter into their own hands with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The black community in Montgomery was organised through the NAACP and led by Martin Luther King. Originally they only intended to boycott the buses for a day in order to achieve a more polite service from the bus drivers, employment of black drivers and the end of blacks standing when the bus was not full. However they met opposition from Montgomerys all white officials. This represents why progress was slowed down, as all decisions were met by substantial opposition from whites, forcing any actions to be dramatic, in order to get them to accept their views. This resulted in a yearlong boycott of the Montgomery buses in order to receive total desegregation on the buses. Within this time the White Citizens Councils membership doubled from 6000 to 12,000 from February to March. The boycott attracted national media coverage, showing that the greater publicity that the blacks attracted, the more the whites stuck together in order to create a strong opposition and prevent change. However in this case the blacks economic power was stronger than the white resistance and so in December 1956 the boycott was called off. This shows how much effort it took to achieve progress, however even then it was limited, as the success was only limited to the buses in Montgomery, however it acted as an example for other departments and cities, to what could be achieved through non-violent protests. This was also demonstrated in the case of Emmett Till. When the 14-year-old boy was murdered his mother decided to bring his body home to Chicago and have an open casket. This attracted 100s of the black population that dominated Chicago and the national press to attend. This mass of media coverage, not only united the blacks, and made the moderate whites aware and sympathetic of the cause, but it also ruined any chance of a fair trial. This is because the whites accused the NAACP of using the case as propaganda, so creating a Northern backlash. The southern population then closed ranks, making it harder to prosecute. This again shows that the more publicity that black civil rights was given, the greater the white opposition that they had to face. However this only made the black community more determined. The case of Emmett Till was significant as at first it showed some progress towards a fair trial, with the men accused of lynching arrested, usually they would not have been prosecuted, and a black man standing up and accusing a white man in court. However the jury was composed of 12 white males, and in the defences closing speech he said, I hope every last Anglo-Saxon one of you makes the right decision. Therefore again showing how when accused the whites stuck together. Again throughout this case Eisenhower gave no leadership and did not intervene, as he did not think that federal intervention was appropriate, and did not want to or aim to do anything to alleviate black problems, even when Emmett Tills mother requested his help. Showing again how little progress had been made. Throughout this time, there were strong black leaders, Martin Luther King, and people that The NAACP used for test cases, Rosa Parks and the 9 children in Little Rock. These set examples to the black community, that through courage and determination, slowly change was possible. However many were not willing to make this commitment, like the 16 children who changed their minds about attending Little Rock High School after passing the exam. This was due to the increasing white resistance and discrimination that they faced. Martin Luther King was arrested for doing 30mph in a 25 mph zone, and his house was bombed. As well as this death threats were sent to the childrens houses and they were spat at as they walked down the street. White resistance included the establishment of the Southern Manifesto, which was drafted by Senator Sam Ervin and promised to fight the Brown verdict by legal means. Showing that there was still huge resistance to change, and integration. So making it difficult for progress to continue. As well as this the establishment of the White Citizens Council, which was used as opposition in the Montgomery bus boycott. It was formed to protest the federal government acting dictatorially and seeking to impose its values and opinions on others. This acted as an excuse for Eisenhower, who had little intention of interfering anyway, again slowing down progress. On 3rd of September 1957 9 black children, who had sat and passed an entrance exam, attempted to enter Central High School. However they were met by a hostile crowd of white adults who blocked their way, while shouting abuse such as Nigers go back to the jungle. This was the first significant step towards putting the Brown decision into practice and so attracted a lot of criticism. It signified that the ruling met tremendous grass-roots resistance when put into practice. And so although blacks tried to push segregation, it was clear that it would take a long time for the whites to accept it. On top of this neither local nor national authorities were keen to enforce Brown, which was shown by Governor Faubus. He decided to exploit white racism in this situation, in order to ensure re-election. In this way he stirred up the crowd and ordered the Arkansas National Guard to bar the school, sending a strong message of hatred to the black students. The images of harassment and violence towards the children by aggressive white adults, again, like in the case of Emmett Till acted as propaganda. This was a victory for the NAACP as it created a wide spread moderate opinion. However Faubus who closed all the schools in Little Rock in1959, preventing black or white from attending, in order to prevent integration, again showing that more than a court decision was needed in order to establish desegregation, again slowed progress down. As a result of the crowds and harassment of the children at Little Rock Eisenhower was forced to act. He had attempted to negotiate a settlement with Faubus, however the children were still not allowed to enter the school and the white violence in the streets became more aggressive, so Eisenhower sent in 10,000 troopers of the Arkansas National Guard. This was significant, as he had said that he could never envisage sending in federal troops to enforce federal court rulings. This was the only time in the 1950s that Eisenhower used his federal authority to intervene in the Brown decision. In this way the children were permitted to enter the school, signifying how the process could have been sped up, if he had acted sooner. However his actions were due to an, inescapable responsibility for enforcing the law, rather than a belief in integration. Again showing his lack of leadership and commitment to the cause, meaning that it was hard to put the brown decision into practice. In 1957 a Civil rights bill to ensure the black vote was proposed, however again this met criticism. Democratic senators worked to weaken the bill, as they thought it would damage national and party unity. Again Eisenhower showed little leadership, claiming that he did not really know what was in the bill and so did not fight to keep it intact. Along with the filibustering by Storm Thurmond, it resulted in a much weakened bill, not allowing blacks to exercise the right to vote as those who were prosecuted with obstruction would be tried in an all white jury and let off. This shows that from 1954-57 little progress was made, as although ideas are initially passed when put into practice it takes along time for them to be accepted, and so slow progress is made. To conclude from the evidence above it is clear that the building blocks of a strong civil rights campaign were begun between 1954-57, with the shocking legal decision of Brown Vs Topeka. However it is shown that although a decision was made in court, it does not mean that putting it into practice will be quick or easy. It shows that the more united the black community was and the harder that they pushed for change, the more stubborn the whites became, so making the changes impossible to implement without a fight. This case was not helped by the lack of leadership from Eisenhower, as his silence was interpreted as a lack of support for the cause, so discouraging other whites to back it. The lack of progress is shown by the fact that by 1964, a whole 10 years after the Brown decision, only 2/3 of the USAs black high school students attended de-segregated high schools. Therefore it is clear that between 1954-57 the achievement of civil rights progress was slow.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Brand Equity Associates With Apparel Industry Marketing Essay

Brand Equity Associates With Apparel Industry Marketing Essay There were many scholars who studied on conceptual research of brand equity; trying to find out what are valuable dimensions of building brand equity for both the customer and the company. Aaker (1991) regarded a brand as a name or symbol which derives from the value provided by a product or service to a company and/or the companys customers, as well as a set of assets and liabilities linked to a brand. He divided brand equity into five categories as brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, brand loyalty, and other proprietary brand assets. Consumer perceptions and reactions to the brand are directly pointed out by the last four elements of brand equity; moreover, the existing interrelationship among the dimensions of brand equity should be noted (see Table 1). Besides, Keller (2003) defined customer-based brand equity as the differential effect that brand knowledge has on consumer response to the marketing of that brand. A brand with positive customer-based brand equity might result in consumers being more accepting of a new brand extension, less sensitive to price increase and withdrawal of advertising support, or more willing to seek the brand in a new distribution channel. In 1993, Keller noted brand knowledge could be divided into two essential components as brand awareness and brand image (associations) to contribute consumer-based brand equity; it is also as well as a necessary premise in terms of consumer-based brand equity, or described as a point which keeps in mind by consumers are pertinent with diversified associations. These theories could be utilized in our research to contribute identification of the hypotheses. 1.2 Brand Equity in Apparel Industry Some researchers have done the similar tests. Jung and Sung (2008) measure and compare the consumer-based brand equity of apparel products by different consumer groups across cultures. Among the elements of brand equity, the perceived brand quality and brand awareness/association reported by American college students were significantly greater than those reported by South Koreans in the USA and Korea. Brand loyalty was the most important element of brand equity. In the relationship between elements of brand equity and purchase intention, brand loyalty showed positive correlation with purchase intention across all tested consumer groups. The finding supported by Xiao and Hawley (2009) based on Aakers well-known conceptual framework of brand equity, they found that brand association and brand loyalty are influential dimensions of brand equity. Weak support was found for the perceived quality and brand awareness dimensions. Moreover, they suggest considering the relative importance of b rand equity in their overall brand equity evaluation for better brand management, and concentrate their efforts primarily on building brand loyalty and image. Similarly, Holehonnur, Raymond, Hopkins, and Fine (2009) explored customer equity from a consumers perspective, examining the relative impact of the drivers of value equity and brand equity on purchase intention. The results show that quality and price-prestige relationships serve as drivers of value equity, whereas brand awareness and brand attitudes drive perceptions of overall brand equity. Likewise, they support the influence of brand and value equity on consumers purchase intentions. Retailer brand equity is also tested by several researchers, such as Swoboda, Haelsig, Schramm-Klein and Morschett (2009) examined on how consumer involvement influences perception of retailer attributes, which affects customer-based retail brand equity. In retailing, consumer involvement has a moderating effect on retail brand equity; whereas, the influence of price, communication, service and store design is greater on highly involved consumers than on those with low involvement. Since consumers with a different level of involvement have a different perception of retailer attributes, this factor is relevant to retail brand equity. It supported by previous research, Pappu and Quester (2008) examined whether retailer brand equity levels vary between department store and specialty clothing store categories. Retailer brand equity is conceptualized in this paper as a four-dimensional construct comprising retailer awareness, retailer associations, retailer perceived quality and retailer loyalty. Results referred to department store brands yielded significantly higher ratings for all the retailer brand equity dimensions than specialty store brands and providing the guideline for retailers possess brand equity. 2. Consumer Behaviour in Fashion Industry 2.1 Fad Fashion Industry with its Consumers According to Keynote in 2008, companies turn around new styles from design to shop floor within 2 weeks in the Fast-fashion industry. This successful recipe has allowed retailers to generate large profits selling vast quantities of low-price clothing to shoppers seeking something new to wear every week (Morgan and Birtwistle, 2009). The marketing and apparel literatures are unanimous in reporting that fashion leaders tend in general to be young consumers (Mason and Bellenger, 1974; Gutman and Mills, 1982; Horridge and Richards, 1984; Goldsmith et al., 1991). According to Keynote, a study of young males and females between the ages of 15 and 24 reports that 38% shop at Primark, 35% at Topshop/ Topman, 33% at New Look, 31% at River Island and 24% at H&M; Therefore, forecasts of demographical trends reveal that, while some age groups are in decline, there is to be an expansion in the 15- to 29-year-old group over the next 5 years (Morgan and Birtwistle, 2009). 2.2 Consumer Behaviour of Fashion Industry (add Table) Based on Keynote information, the consumers are growing tired of the relentless consumerism of buying so much clothing so frequently, but the appeal of cheap chic newness remains very alluring to teens and early twenties looking for something different to wear while socializing (Morgan and Birtwistle, 2009). Young consumers are more concerned with trends than probably any other age group (Martin and Bush, 2000). Additionally, Newman and Patel (2004) assert that, compared with other consumer groups, fashion leaders, or innovators, believe fashion to be of importance to their lifestyles. They have strong opinions about taste, are advocates of new trends and are sources of inspiration for other consumers when adopting and buying the latest styles (Polegato and Wall, 1980; Beaudoin et al., 1998). Besides, Pentecost and Andrews (2010) found weekly and monthly expenditure, gender and fashion fan ship were significant influences for consumer purchasing behaviour; while for yearly expenditure, gender, and impulse buying were significant. Attitudes towards fashion had no significant influence on expenditure. Females purchase more often and were significantly different from males on yearly expenditure, fashion fan ship, attitudes and impulse buying. Generation Y is higher on purchase frequency, fashion fan ship, attitudes and impulse buying compared with other groups under investigation. 2.3 Consumer Behaviour is impacted by Media Recent research by Birtwistle and Moore (2006) indicates that fashion innovators and early adopters, compared with followers, are heavily influenced by the fashion media. They shop and purchase fashion items more frequently, are influenced in their purchasing habits by celebrities and are spending more per month than they did previously. These findings are supported by Greenes (2008) observations about the influence of aspirational lifestyles and must-have fashions depicted in current US dramas. Indeed, fashion publicist Kristian Laliberte (cited in Greene 2008) hails the shows stars as the new influencers. In the focus groups, Morgan and Birtwistle (2009) referred to the majority of female respondents were readers of fashion or celebrity magazines. The most popular magazines as Cosmo, Elle, Glamour and Marie Claire, respondents used magazines to identify trends, which they then followed by purchasing lower-priced imitations from high-street stores. 3. IMC to Build Brand Equity (need to modify and check reference ) Belch and Belch (2009) noted IMC plays a main role in the progress which develops sustainable brand identity and equity. Likewise, Keller (1993) also noted brand identity and equity can be built and maintained by creating a well-known brand which has been kept in the mind of the consumer as favorable, strong and specific association. The integrated marketing paradigm focuses on the full set of contacts that affect the consumers brand experience (Calder and Malthouse, 2005). Marketers are faced with the questions of how to use multiple touch points to convey their messages in a more profound and engaging way and how to reinforce a message or brand more efficiently with the same advertising budget. 3.1 A model of brand equity for marketing communications According to the customer-based brand equity model (Keller, 2008), brand equity is fundamentally determined by the brand knowledge created in consumers minds by marketing programs and activities. Brand knowledge is all the thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, and experiences etc that become linked to the brand in the minds of consumers; it can be divided by two important components as brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness is related to the strength of the brand node or trace in memory as reflected by consumers ability to recall or recognize the brand under different conditions. Brand image is defined as consumer perceptions of and preferences for a brand, as reflected by the various types of brand associations held in consumers memory. Strong, favorable and unique brand associations are essential as points-of-difference that can serve as sources of brand equity to drive the differential effects. These effects include enhanced loyalty; price premiums and more favorable price elasticity responses; greater communication and channel effectiveness; and growth opportunities via extensions or licensing (Hoeffler and Keller 2003; Keller 2008). Thus, the basic premise of the customer-based brand equity (CBBE) model is that the power of a brand lies in the minds of customers and the meaning that the brand has achieved in the broadest sense (Janiszewski and Osselaer 2000). To understand the role of all the different types of marketing communications for brand building, 3.2 Marketing communication effects on brand equity Marketing communications activities contribute to brand equity and drive sales in many ways (Keller 2007): by creating awareness of the brand; linking the right associations to the brand image in consumers memory; eliciting positive brand judgments or feelings; and/or facilitating a stronger consumer-brand connection. But these marketing communications activities must be integrated to deliver a consistent message and achieve the strategic positioning. The starting point in planning marketing communications is an audit of all the potential interactions that customers in the target market may have with the company and all its products and services. Marketers need to assess which experiences and impressions will have the most influence at each stage of the buying process. This understanding will help them allocate communications dollars more efficiently and design and implement the right communications programs. Armed with these insights, marketers can judge marketing communications according to its ability to affect experiences and impressions, build brand equity and drive brand sales. 3.3 Mixing and matching marketing communications In developing an integrated marketing communication (IMC) program, a number of factors come into play (Schultz, Tannenbaum, and Lauterborn 1993). Marketers must consider several factors in developing their communications mix, such as the type of product market, consumer readiness to make a purchase, stage in the product life cycle and the brands market share and positioning, as well as efficiency considerations. This broad view of brand-building activities is especially relevant when marketers are considering strategies to improve brand awareness. Anything that causes the consumer to notice and pay attention to the brand such as sponsorship and out-of-home advertising can increase brand awareness, at least in terms of brand recognition. To enhance brand recall, however, more intense and elaborate processing may be necessary, so that stronger brand links to the product category or consumer needs are established to improve memory performance. In terms of brand image, the question becomes what effects are created by the communication option, how strongly are they linked to the brand and how do the effects that are created affect, either directly or indirectly, consumers propensity to purchase and use brands? Marketers should mix and match communication options to build brand equity that is, choose a variety of different communication options that share common meaning and content but also offer different, complementary advantages so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts (Naik and Raman 2003; Naik 2007). Different brand associations may be most effectively established by capitalizing on those marketing communication options best suited to eliciting a particular consumer response or establishing a particular type of brand association (Edell and Keller 1989). For example, some media are demonstrably better at generating trial than engendering long-term loyalty. 4. Print Advertising McCarthy, Michael S. and Fram, Eugene H. (2008) provided measures of brand equity for the new brand, print advertising results in greater levels of brand equity and helps in a greater likelihood of a future visit to the brands website. 4.1 Influences on Brand Awareness The power of visual elements in magazine advertisements frequently has been demonstrated. Images are simple to process and easy to remember, which could result in faster recognition of brand or product (Edell and Staelin, 1983; Moriarty, 1987). On average, magazine advertisements receive 1 or 2 seconds of attention. Visual elements are the primary appeal 90% of magazine readers first look at the graphic element; of that group, 65% process the graphic intent. Text follows imagery; for the readers who wove from image to words, only 2% of the written content is processed (Franzen, 1994). A growing body of literature also demonstrates the ability of pictures to evoke an emotional response (Bradley, Greenwald, Petry and Lang 1992). This attribute of print advertising will be a big advantage to contribute brand awareness and association. The point is also agreed by Batra and Ray 1986; Derbaix 1995; Edell and Burke 1987; Stayman and Aaker 1988. They illustrated emotional response to an adve rtisement is important with respect to advertising effectiveness, in terms of impacting both attitude toward the advertising and attitude toward the brand. In addition, Callow and Schiffman (2002) defined the complexity of a visual image which refers to the level of implicit versus explicit information that is needed in order to arrive at a meaningful interpretation of the advertisements message. This may be why advertisements often resort to simple visual images as a means for creating brand or product awareness. In previous study, Keiser (1975) suggested that brand and slogan awareness are dependent on the age, social class, and amount of print media readership of adolescents. The most consistent relationship was that brand and slogan awareness was greatest among opinion leaders, adolescents in the upper-cla ss, and adolescents who spent the most time reading newspapers and magazines. Brand awareness appeared to increase with age, while the reverse relationship held for slogan awa reness. 4.2 Influences on Brand Loyalty Pint advertising is used as an important tool in brand image-creation, and there has been an increase in the volume of campaigns using celebrities to endorse brands both in terms of gaining and keeping attention and in creating favourable associations leading to positive brand knowledge and distinct brand images, with cultural meaning transferred from celebrity to brand to consumer. This process has been enhanced via explicit reference to the meaning of the celebrity in the advertisement and supporting publicity, result in positive brand loyalty (Carroll, 2009). Similarly, Goodyear (1996) referred to differentiation of brands could be achieved over time by some lifestyle advertising. Thus, increasingly there was no information about the product, only the type of people who might be inclined to use the product (Baran and Blasko , 1984 ). Furthermore, Bhat and Reddy ( 1998 ) also commented developing, communicating and maintaining a brand s image as critical to the long-term loyalty o f a brand have been accepted. Leclerc and Little (1997) investigated whether the content of the print advertisement influences consumer attitudes, will depend on the executional cues of the copy, the brand loyalty of the consumers, and the consumers involvement with the product category. 4.3 Influences on Brand Association Kim, Damhorst and Lee. (2002) examines how consumer involvement with apparel influences perceptions of an apparel product presented in a print advertisement. Consumer involvement with apparel was examined in relation to three advertisement response concepts: attitude toward the advertisement, product attribute beliefs, and product brand attitude. A combination of apparel involvement dimensions (fashion, individuality, and comfort) influenced consumer beliefs about product attributes in the advertisement and shaped consumer attitudes for brand. In terms of gender differences, the comfort variable showed to be a stronger component of apparel involvement for men and women tended to be more involved in fashion. Findings also supported relationships among advertisement response variables previously tested by scholars. Product attribute beliefs and ad attitude were significant in product brand attitude formation. Keller (2003) also referred to magazine is particularly effective at building user and usage imagery toward brand. Some brand such as Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, and Guess, have also created strong non-product associations through print advertising. Some brands attempt to communicate both product benefits and user or usage imagery in their print advertising. After that, Chowdhury, Olsen and Pracejus (2008) researched that print advertising frequently conducts a single advertisement with multiple images, each of which is capable of generating an effective response. These multiple ad components combine to impact overall emotional response to advertising. This implies a greater number of positive pictures will lead to a more positive response which associates with brand in mixed-valence advertisements. Likewise, research on advertising in print media similarly has shown that the number and size of product shots can have a positive influence on recall (Twedt, 1952). 4.4 Influences on Perceived Quality Homer (1995) represented that consumers felt the large-sized ad was better designed and devoted more attention to it. The heightened design perceptions and attention, in turn, led to enhanced perceptions of quality and brand, overall attitudes, and behavioral intent. In support of past research, advertising size was found to lead to enhanced memory. Kirmani (1990) analysis suggested that consumers use ad size as an indicator of advertising costs and effort and that consumers make quality-related inferences based on their perceptions of advertising costs when quality-related information is not explicitly shown in advertising. The brand and quality perceptions are positively related to perceived advertising costs except at excessive levels when consumers may feel advertising is manipulative. Prior research has indicated that consumer perceptions as to the globalization of a brand leads to greater confidence in product quality which related with brand and higher intention to purchase (S teenkamp, Batra, and Alden, 2003). The point was supported by Chang in 2008. She revealed that western models were used to promote products and English brands were featured usually in magazine advertisements; and most likely to be used in fashions, cosmetics, and information/telecommunication categories. The use of western models and English brand names enhanced the perceived globalization of the brand and perceived quality of the product; higher on brand friendliness, brand trust, self-brand connections, and brand liking; moreover, encouraged participants to infer that the product originated from a developed western country. The third objective of this article is to understand the influence of Western models and English brand names on consumer product perceptions. It has been widely documented that products originating from developed countries are evaluated more favorably than products from developing countries (see Bilkey and Nes, 1982, for a review). In addition, an increased global perception of a product is associated with more favorable attitudes as to the products quality (Steenkamp, Batra, and Alden, 2003). Therefore, if consumers infer that Western models and English brand names indicate a products global qualities or that the product originated from developed Western countries, such inferences will also alter consumers product evaluations. 5. Strengths of Magazine 5.1 Selectivity In 2005, Duncan regarded as most magazines are subject specific, one of their greatest strengths is their audience selectivity. Although there are a few general-interest magazines which include the vast majority of magazines focus on one area. Magazines offer a wider range of ways to present brand messages than newspapers do, although both are print media. Most magazines focus their content coverage on a particular subject. The subjects discussed are all related in some way to the companys product. Some of these customer-focused magazines have advertisings only for the company brand. Therefore, brands that advertise in them can benefit from this expertise halo, an added value for a brand message. The theory is supported by Belch and Belch in 2009. They said using magazine as an advertising medium is its selectivity which is an ability to reach a specific target audience. It allows advertisers to target their advertising to segments of the population who buy their products based on in terests. New consumer magazine are continually being introduced to meet the changing needs, interest, and passion of the public in areas such as sports/ recreation, entertainment/celebrity, travel, fashion/ apparel, and beauty/ grooming. New business publications are also frequently launched to respond to development in business and industry. Not surprisingly, Fill (2009) also pointed out magazines are able to reach quite specialized audiences and tend to be selective in terms of the messages they carry. The print media are most suitable for messages designed when high involvement is present in the target market. 5.2 Reproduction quality/ Creative Flexibility (change) Due to many advantages of magazines, making them attractive to the target audiences as a popular advertising medium; especially, the strengths such as reproduction quality and creative flexibility of magazine can provide excellent reproduction on high-quality paper stock, and offer a great deal of flexibility in terms of the type, size, and placement for different needs, thereby, magazines are a visual medium where illustration are often a dominant part of an advertising and enhance the creative appeal of the advertising and increase attention and relationship (Belch and Belch 2009). Magazine advertising can be a strong visual persuasion in retailing industry, in particular, heavily use visuals to get attention (Cutler, Javalgi, and Erramsilli 1992; Bulmer and Buchanan-Oliver 2004) and the use of visuals is becoming a popular method for standardising print advertisements in cross-national markets for a growing number of multinational corporations (Phillips 1997; Cateora and Graham 19 99). Visual messages in advertising are found to be more easily and quickly processed, and more effective in getting attention (Rossiter 1982) and stimulating curiosity than verbal messages (Berger 1998; Lester 2000; Wells et al. 2003), regardless of processing condition (McQuarrie Mick 2003). Visuals in ads are not only the major form of delivering messages, but it tends to be scanned first and considered as an important criterion for making purchase decisions (Smith 1991). Besides, Bu, Kim, and Lee (2009) revealed that ads with direct visual forms were more prevalent in both western and eastern cultures. They tested the effects of culturally matching the visual forms on consumers attitude towards the advertising and the brand advertised. The product type and the brand familiarity moderated the effects; when brand familiarity was low, direct visual forms were preferred regardless of culture. 5.3 Permanence A distinctive advantage offered by magazine is their long life span, comparing to TV and radio which have very short life span by fleeting massages or newspapers which is generally discarded soon after being read. Magazines are usually read over several days and are often kept for reference. According to a study which did by Magazine handbook, it found that reader devote nearly an hour over a period of two or three days to reading an average magazine, moreover, around 75% of consumers retain magazines for future reference. Meanwhile, advertisements which exposed on magazine can use longer and more detailed copy, which is essential for high-involvement and complex products and services; the reader can be exposed to advertisements on multiple occasions and can pass magazines along to other reader (Belch and Belch 2009). Rest of book 5.4 Prestige Another positive feature of magazine advertising is the prestige the product or service may gain from advertising in publications with a favorable image. Companies whose products rely heavily on perceived quality, reputation, and/or image often buy space in prestigious publication with high-quality editorial content whose consumers have a high level of interest in the advertising pages. Some kinds of magazines provide an impressive editorial environment that includes high-quality photography and artwork. The magazines upscale readers are likely to have a favourable image of the publication that may transfer to the products advertised on its pages. The seal can increase consumer confidence in a particular brand and reduce the amount of perceived risk associated with a purchase since it really is a money-back guarantee (Belch and Belch 2009). 5.5 Receptivity/ Engagement Consumers are more receptivity to advertising in magazines than in any other medium. Magazines are generally purchased because the information they contain interests the reader, and advertising provide additional information that may be of the value in making purchasing decision (Belch and Belch 2009). Studies have shown that magazines are consumers primary source of information for a variety of products and services, including automobiles, beauty and grooming, clothing and fashion etc (Magazine handbook). Numerous studies have shown that consumers become involved with magazines when they read them and are more likely to find ads acceptable, enjoyable, and even a valuable part of a publication. Ulrich and Minjae (2009) observed on consumer magazines to measure the extent which consumers are favourable to engage with advertising in Germany. The result represents based on different market segment if advertisements can provide sufficient relevant information, they will be appreciated with regardless of nuisance for readers of adult magazines. Some American scholars support the viewpoint, such as Ferguson (1983) and Lorimor, (1977). They tested on retailing industry and applied to retail advertising which content is purely informational, as a result in the print advertising tends to be received. On the contrary, in Europe, the invasion of the press magazine industry by commercial ads seems to have a rather negative impact on the fans of this press in Europe. Most readers would certainly prefer magazines with less commercial advertising and more entertainment content. Accordingly, Nathalie (2000) analysed consumer reflects to press advertising is country specific. The evidence i ndicated American readers tend to be ad-lovers; however, most European media consumers seem to be ad-averse; hence, readers attitudes toward press advertising are deeply rooted in cultural habits. Although womens magazines are easy to engage with the target audiences due to included functional information which caters for readers need, the journals provided different receptiveness of magazine in specific country. What are the situations which print advertising works for interpreting fashion brand, and what is characteristic of background in Singapore, that still need to be tested on this research. 6. Online Advertising 6.1 Influences on Branding Ten years of online advertising research has confirmed the importance of the internet as a major source of information on brands (Hollis, 2005). Brand sites are increasingly being used as preferred destination sites for other forms of advertising, such as TV advertisements, banner advertisements, email advertisements, print advertisements, etc. The website of a brand could provide greater contextual information and facilitate higher users interactions with the brand; also providing an excellent platform to foster genuine relationships with potential and actual customers based on a continuous dialogue (Christodoulides and Chernatony, 2004). Therefore, designing effective brand websites contributes significantly to firms brand equity building efforts (Argyriou, Kitchen, and Melewar, 2006). Similarly, Steenkamp and Geyskens (2006) referred to greater interactivity promotes greater brand learning through better information assimilation and could help companies forge cognitive and emotion al bonds with their brand users. Yet, Dou and Krishnamurthy found the present study found that the application of interactive functions in brand websites was still quite limited. Thus, brand sites that boost their levels of interactivity can fulfill their online brand building missions more effectively. The literature (Batra, Myers, and Aaker, 1996) identified the key elements of brand sites that may contribute to their branding effectiveness. Some companies prefer to establish their own brand site for branding, just like a unique advertising approach for enhancing brand equity in the online environment is the design of dedicated websites for brands (Goldsmith and Lafferty, 2002). After that, evidence on the efficacy of brand websites in building brands is starting to emerge from both academic and industry studies. Ha and Chan-Olmsted (2004) found that users visits of brand websites for networks had a significant effect on brand image, as well as the option that gives them the best ability to learn about their favorite brands. In the following research, Yoo (2008) represented consumers experience priming caused by implicit memory and build a more favorable attitude toward the advertised brand regardless of the levels of attention they paid to the advertisements during exposure of web ads. Furthermore, those who unconsciously processed web ads did not remember seeing the ad explicitly, but they were more likely to include the advertised brand in the consideration set than those who had no exposure. Besides, Okonkwo, Uchà © (2009) more specifically referred to the fashion industry as internet is a multidimensional channel that serves multiple purposes including communications, branding, services, design, retailing, consumer analysis, clien

Marketisation of Social Care

Marketisation of Social Care The marketisation of social care will deliver efficient and equitable services. Discuss. Introduction Social care refers to a number of different aspects of social life including health, education, economic security etc. In the 1940s universal welfare provision was initiated in Britain. Universal welfare deals with all aspects of the population’s well being and the services that the state provides (Marsh, et al, 2000). The welfare state in Britain and in most of the western world was predicated on the work of the economist John Milton Keynes. In the last thirty years there has been a shift from Keynesian economics to a Neo-liberalist post-welfare state (Hursh, 2005) Keynes believed that when times were hard the state should intervene by putting more money into the economy and stimulating employment. However by the late nineteen seventies when Margaret Thatcher came to power it was evident that post-war policies were no longer working and thus there was a shift to a market based economy and welfare provision (Giddens, 2001). The full employment that had been envisioned by the p ost-war government had not happened and there was also a corresponding rise in inflation. Jessop (2001) maintains that in response to these happenings Western states began to make changes in the ways in which social care and welfare were provided. The Marketisation of Social Care and Efficient and Equitable Services Government leaders in Europe, Britain and America argued that the universal welfare provision that had existed since the Second World War was not working and what was needed was a return to the philosophy of a free market that had been the case prior to the war (Stiglitz, 2002). In 1979 the Conservatives won the election and Margaret Thatcher came to power. By this time arguments about a welfare state versus a free market economy had intensified. Introducing marketing principles into social care allow Governments to (hypothetically at least) improve services. It also enables a government to retain a greater degree of control (Stigliss, 2002). As a response to discourses on the value of a free market economy Regan’s Government in the United States and Thatcher’s in Britain began to introduce measure that would roll back the welfare state and control expenditure. This was done by the introduction of marketing and business strategies. In Britain the Government embarked on a massive process of privatisation because it was believed that public ownership of companies and the public sector generally inhibited and undermined market forces. It therefore follows, Stigliss argues, that there is a need to deregulate capital markets and to curb state spending. These policies stressed the importance of the internal market. Giddens (2001) says that: †¦the momentum of Thatcherism in economic matters was maintained by the privatising of public companies†¦Ã‚  (this)   is held to reintroduce healthy economic competition in place of unwieldy and ineffective public bureaucracies, reduce public expenditure and end political interference in managerial decisions (Giddens, 2001:434). It was believed that the introduction of market forces into social care would increase productivity and improve care while at the same time being cost efficient. It was considered the best way of allocating resources because free markets were considered to be self organising (Olssen and Peters, 2005). Within healthcare provision there was a shift from healthcare professionals and patients to the idea that there were service providers and there were clients (Giddens, 2001). Government discourses, both Conservative and New Labour have revolved around the notion that the introduction of market mechanisms would result in a more equitable system. However, policy making tends to be somewhat contradictory and Governments appear to give with one hand and take back with another. The instigation of NHS trusts has resulted in a somewhat haphazard distribution of care and there are inequalities across the system in some areas there are such discrepancies in care provision that commentators refer to a post code lottery, where the kind of care a person receives is determined by where they live. Some commentators were of the opinion that the policies introduced by the Conservative Government were implemented to widen inequalities in society (Field, 1996). Thus Marx’s dictum that laws are made to serve the interests of those who already have power in society are extremely relevant here. The Community Care Act of 1990 further exacerbated inequalities most especially for women as it assumed that the women (who were the main carers in the home) would shoulder the extra responsibility of care (Abbott and Wallace, 1982). Field (1996) maintains that the increase in inequalities whereby the rich got richer and the poor poorer created a social underclass who were denied the same rights as others in society. Under the Conservatives the tax burden shifted from the rich to the poor, along with this, changes to the benefit system such as job seekers allowance placed a good number of people into a poverty trap. Alcock (1997) supports Fielding’s views and maintains that the r oll back in welfare and changes in social care and benefits generally resulted in greater unemployment and a rise in the number of homeless. The introduction of market forces into social care has had the effect of excluding some people from mainstream society and led to the setting up by the present Government of the Social Exclusion Unit in 1997. This Unit is an example of the contradictions engaged in by policy makers in a free market economy. On the one hand the general philosophical approach of both this Government and its predecessor has been on the responsibility of the individual. This is nowhere better expressed than in Labour’s New Deal Documentation which promises a hand up rather than a hand out. Young (1999) maintains that there is a move away from inclusive goals that are based on citizenship rights and this means a move towards policies that exclude some people. This results in people feeling undervalued and with no investment in society and this may be reflected in the rising crime among the young. Currie (1998) maintains that there are a number of links between social exclusion and crime. Shifts in the labour market and minimum wage and taxation policies result in a rise in the numbers of those living in poverty. Furthermore these things put added strain on family life and weakens social cohesion. Conclusion Clearly the introduction of market forces into social care has been problematic and has benefited some members of society at the expense of others. Pierson (1994) has argued that the attempts by the Thatcher and Regan Governments to roll back the welfare state were not entirely successful. He maintains that this was more difficult than they had thought and that governments were besieged by public outcry. Rolling it back was not the exact opposite of the expansion of welfare that governments had thought rather, Pierson argues Far more than in the era of welfare state expansion†¦struggles over social policy become struggles over information about the causes and consequences of policy change (Pierson, 1994:8). The New Labour Government that came into power in 1997 have continued the welfare reforms introduced by the Conservatives laid out their welfare to work policies in a 1998 Green Paper which have been further extended in policy documents such as the New Deal 2004 and Youth Matters 2004. These documents are aimed at getting welfare recipients back into work and reducing Government costs. It is arguably the case that the introduction of market forces into social care have not resulted in either better services or more equitable treatment. Rather these policies have reduced services and benefited the better off at the expense of the poor, a fact which has been pointed out by a number of theorists. To what extent does a countrys welfare regime type influence the form of social care provision? Illustrate your answer with examples from two countries. Introduction Welfare provision and spending on public services differs from country to country depending on the types of service offered. In many cases this will include housing, education, pensions and health (Giddens, 2001). There have been a number of different ways of conceptualising the welfare state. Marxist theories tend to take the view that governments provide welfare for the benefits of those in power i. e. investment in welfare is necessary to sustain a capitalist system (Stigliss, 2002). This will look at policies in both Finland and the United States to assess whether and in what ways the type of welfare regime that is adopted by a country affects the form of social care provision. Welfare Regimes The ideal model of welfare is one of universal welfare provision where the state provides for everything in time of need and health and education are fully financed by the state. Marshall (1960, 1973) viewed the development of citizenship rights as crucial to the emergence of a welfare state. Civil and political rights would be extended to the rights to education, healthcare and other service provision because everyone was entitled to a reasonable life and a reasonable income irrespective of their position in society. Esping Anderson (1990) devised his tri-partite system of welfare provision through an investigation of welfare regimes in a number of different countries. He also evaluated the extent to which welfare services were unencumbered by the introduction of market forces. He looked at the ways in which welfare services were organised and delivered in different countries when making decisions about what group they fitted in. The models Esping Anderson identified were Social Democratic, Conservative Corporatist and Liberal. In the first example welfare subsidies are entirely state funded and are available to everyone (the notion of universal welfare provision) Most Scandinavian States follow this model. Within Social Democratic States such as currently exists in Finland, there is generally no influence of market forces but things tend to differ depending on the type of welfare provision in Finland during the 1990s the country was moving towards a neo-liberal regime where people received free primary health care but were required to pay something towards their secondary healthcare (Ball, 2004). In a Conservative-corporatist state such as pertains in both France and Germany welfare services are only marginally influenced by market principles but they are not equally available to everyone. Entitlement is dependent on a person’s position in society. The United States is an example of a liberal welfare regime where means tested benefits are only available to the needy. Giddens (2001) maintains that there is a high degree of stigmatisation attached to these benefits, one has only to see media representation of the American poor and needy to know that this is the case. Welfare is, in almost every case, sold through the market and this is due to the expectation that everyone should pay for their own care through the market as for example in the form of health insurance such as Medicaid. America is the only country in the world where people do not have automatic access at least to primary healthcare in times of greatest need (Navarro, 1986). Navarro argues that when market forces are involved in welfare regimes and particularly with healthcare systems then there is a tendency for organisations such as drug companies to promote medicines and drugs that serve their own interests on the world market. Monopoly capital invades, directs and dominates either directly (via the private sector) or indirectly (via the state) all areas of economic and social life (Navarro, 1986:243). Mitchell (1991) identifies five main approaches to the analysis of welfare systems in different countries these involve a comparison of policy, inputs, production, operation, and outcomes. These involve what is intended, who pays for it, how it is run, how it is organised and who benefits. The American liberal regime relies on a laissez faire approach to welfare (Olssen, 2000) this is particularly evident in its stigmatising of those in receipt of benefits. The situation in America is not uniform however and some states do have state funded health schemes, what Klass (1985) has called decentred social altruism (1985:428). In Finland, as in much of Europe, welfare provision has been dependent on social solidarity or the view that both the state and the society have responsibilities of care. Many welfare rights are dependent on people’s circumstances and so there may not be the equality within such a system as one might suppose and can lead to social exclusion. Health in Finland has been along institutional lines i. e. secondary health care for example can tend to be selective and based on circumstance. Soumen Ash (2005) however, maintains that: The state of peoples health and welfare in Finland has steadily improved since healthcare and health promotion were established. The main challenges nowadays relate to disease prevention, mental health problems and the disparities in health, welfare among different population groups. Finnish health policy has become matched to international standards set by the World health organisation and the European Union (Suomen Ash, 2005). [1] In the 1990s educational provision was affected in Finland by its moves towards a neo-liberalist or Conservative-corporatist state. More recently however the Social Democrats have again espoused the universal provision of education and this is now entirely free of market forces and subsidised solely by the state. Thus there has been a return to a welfarist view of education that is available to all and which operates to bring an end to the social exclusion that pre-dominates in elsewhere. The United States may take a dim view of universal welfare provision but its educational policies are welfarist in that there is free basic education for everyone and it is subsidised by the state. People are responsible for their own further and higher education costs if they are not awarded scholarships. The United States spends a greater proportion of its GDP on education than most other countries (World Bank world development report, 1998) but its educational provision, while universal, is still greatly underfunded as is teacher training and this is reflected in the fact that its schools lag behind other countries (Nation at Risk Report 1983). Thus the Americans (under Clinton) introduced public/private partnerships in an attempt to inject life into their failing schools (Giddens, 2001). The introduction of market forces into education does not seem to have generated a great deal of improvement (Molnar, 1996). There has therefore been a huge growth in the private educational proj ects and it may be that this will prove a threat to the basic state education that has been on offer (Whatt, 1999). Conclusion The welfare regime that a country adopts does seem to have significant effects on its service provision. In Finland, where the Social Democrats have taken over what was a liberal state, commentators maintain that the health sector is improving and many countries would do well to take note of the improvements in the Finnish education system since the removal of market mechanisms in that area. America on the other hand appears to be going in the opposite direction. Never comfortable with the idea of welfare its liberal and laissez faire regime has now adopted market principles into its education system. The state system was seen to be failing dismally and now the private sector appears to be taking over. One can only wonder whether the United States will continue with policies that further exclude the already excluded or whether it will drastically order the type of welfare regime that is in operation. [1] http://www.suomenash.fi/sivu.php?artikkeli_id=178

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Power Semiconductor Devices Essay -- Power Conversion Essays

Power Semiconductor Devices Introduction Today there are many power semiconductor devices used in different applications of power conversion. The diode is one of the oldest semiconductors devices and is still wildly used today in power electronics. Diodes are found in virtually all power converts in one form or another. For this reason our discussion will be focused on the application of power diodes. Power Diodes are two terminal electronic devices that permit current flow in predominantly one direction. Diodes are composed of differently doped silicon or germanium bounded together at a junction. Purpose As an Electrical Engineering specializing in Power Electronics it is important to understanding the application of different types of diodes in power electronics. The technology behind the development of pn junctions and solid state devices is continuously advancing. This is why it is important to be informed of the most modern advances of one of the world’s oldest power semiconductor devices. This paper will focus on the construction and ratings of various types of power diodes to convey the importance diodes have power electronics. Power Diodes: Power diodes are successors to the very first semiconductor devices. Power diodes are mainly used as uncontrolled rectifiers to convert single-phase or three- phase AC voltage to a rippled DC voltage. Typically they are constructed of a mixture of differently doped silicon or germanium. Most common are the silicon diodes because they can operate at higher currents and junction temperatures then germanium diodes. All diodes are devices that conduct current in only one direction. Whenever the voltage on the anode is positive with respect to the cathode, the dio... ...e a diode that will satisfy the requirements of the circuit while increasing overall circuit efficiency and maintaining reliability. Through improved modern design techniques diodes are no longer a weak component, and are becoming more important in power electronics with the increase demand for higher power quality and power efficiency. Works Cited: N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland, W.P. Robbins, â€Å"Power Electronics†, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  © 2003 Timothy L. Skvarenina, â€Å"The Power Electronics Handbook† CRC Press LLC  © 2002 Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Volume 483, â€Å"Power Semiconductor Materials and Devices† Materials Research Society  © 1998 â€Å"Dura-Bilt5i MV Engineering Reference Book†, GE Toshiba Automation Systems, U.S.A.  © 2003 Kilowatt Classroom: Electrical Training Seminars - Web Site Home Page http://www.kilowattclassroom.com/

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Beneficiality of Computer :: Essays Papers

The Beneficiality of Computer The Computer The Most Beneficial Invention Over the Last 200 Years From the beginning of our country over 200 years ago until the present time I feel that the most beneficial invention to mankind has been the computer. The computer is beneficial in many different aspects of life such as: education, business, health, and communications. Computers are very beneficial to education in our world today. Computer classes are taught in every school in the United States. They help children get ready for the fast paced world of technology. If you don’t know how to use a computer these days there is a good chance that you will not be able to find a job. The Internet is a great way to access information for research or for general enlightenment. There are also programs such as cd-rom encyclopedias, dictionaries, and novels. There are also programs to help students with math, English, science, or any other school subject you can think of. These days you can even get a master’s degree from an accredited university online. Those are some ways computers are beneficial to education. In this day in age computers are very beneficial in the business world. Without computers many businesses would not be able to function. Businesses rely on computers to keep records, store data, make complex mathematical calculations, and run sophisticated machinery. Computers also provide new business and employment possibilities. They are good for the economy and create many jobs. Through the Internet computers allow companies to do business overseas without having to go by ship or airplane. Those are just some of the many ways computers are beneficial to the business world. In our modern world computers are also very useful to the healthcare industry. Computers help in the research, and manufacture of new drugs and treatments. They run the machines that analyze chemical compounds used in the development of new medicines. Computers are also used in healthcare in hands on applications. They run machines that keep people alive such as heart monitors, respirators, dialysis machines, and prenatal care units. Without computers in the healthcare industry a lot less people would survive their illnesses or accidents. Communication is also an area in which computers have made a profound influence. Computers, with the use of the Internet, can reach people all over the globe free of cost in just a matter of seconds with the use of e-mail.

William Blake :: essays research papers

To some people William Blake is just an ordinary man. To others, Blake is an English poet, painter, and engraver. Blake was born on November 28, 1757, in London, where he spent most of his life. He was the third of five children in his family. Blake's family was Nonconformists Protestant dissenters from the Church of England. They had Blake christened on December 11 at St. James's Church in Piccadilly. Blake's mother educated him in mere reading and writing, and he worked in a shop until the age of 14. His family ran this shop, and later his brother and he acquired the store through inheritance. Despite those misgivings, he taught himself Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, and Italian. His English was to be often strikingly original through other people's eyes. In 1767, he wanted to become an artist at the young age of 10. In pursuit of this dream, he attended the Henry Pars Engraving School in the Strand. By 1772, he was an apprentice to an engraver, James Basire, who taught him the secr ets of the trade very well. Basire sent him to make drawings of the sculptures in Westminster Abbey, which sparked his interest in Gothic art. Blake's father was a hosier, and sent him to the Royal Academy in 1779 as an engraving student. While at school, Blake absorbed the religious symbolism and linear design characteristic of Gothic style. While studying there, he rebelled against the academic conventions of Sir Joshua Reynolds, president of the academy. Contrary to modern standards, he decided to follow the footsteps of the world-renowned artist Michelangelo and Raphael instead. Throughout his life, Blake made his money engraving things, but lived in mass poverty. On August 18, 1782, Blake married a poor illiterate girl, Catherine Boucher. Some believe she turned out to be the best companion Blake could have chosen. Blake and Catherine never had children. In 1784, Blake’s father passed away after he started his own printing press. He took his brother Robert in to live with him as an assistant pupil to relieve him from the agonies of poverty. In Blake's eyes, Robert was his son. The establishing of the printing shop helped Blake and Catherine become financially secure for rest of their lives. From that point on, he lived as an engraver and illustrator with the help of his wife and brother Robert. Once again tragedy struck, and in 1787, only shortly after beginning work, his brother Robert fell ill and passed away.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Giving Someone a Chance Essay

In the short story â€Å"War Party† by Louis L’amour there were many down sides to the story. Many people you can say they are afraid’ scared, or just do not like or want change. In the play Thunder on Sycamore Street by Reginald Rose, some people are not willing to give chance. They just criticize someone based on their past. In the short story â€Å"War Party† and in the play Thunder on Sycamore Street they are alike in many ways because it is all about not seeing how would that person feel and that some people do not care. It is really kind of just about them and them only. Nothing is wrong about being different. It is about whether you will accept it and trying, believing and letting something new into your life. Everyone should be treated the same. In â€Å"War Party† a women named Ma was treated differently because she can speak two languages. In these three quotes it says â€Å"Folks hate something they don’t understand or anything se ems different†, â€Å"We don’t want no Injuns in this outfit!† Mr. White shouted†, ma said â€Å"I am not an Indian, although I should not be ashamed of it if I were. They have many admirable qualities. However, you need worry yourselves no longer, as we part company in the morning. I have no desire to travel further with you.† These quotes represent that a woman is standing up for herself and what she believes in. She will not let someone put her down. One the other hand others are yelling and saying that they do not want someone different from them. They believe It is disrespectful and that Ma might be talking bad about them. In Thunder on Sycamore Street it shows in this quote how a man can b judged based on his past â€Å"Frank Morrison and Charlie Denton have learned that their new neighbor, Joe Blake, is an ex-convict. They persuade the residents of Sycamore Street, including Arthur and Phyilis Hayes, to come together I running the Blake family out of town.† Meaning that because Joe was an ex-prisoner and people are afraid he might do something to harm them. However, people do not understand the fact that he is changing and getting his life back on track. The difference between â€Å"War Party† and Thunder on Sycamore Street is how the main characters have expressed themselves (their actions). In â€Å"War Party†, Ma packed her bags and left to some other place. Although, in Thunder on Sycamore Street, Joe stood his ground and stayed. Everyone expresses themselves differently but it also shows the type of person they are. However, people should not judge them on what they have done unless they are still doing it. People should also respect them and leave them alone. Just give them a chance and may be just may be you might change your mind about them. They are not all bad.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Modernization Shakespeare

There have been, passim time, unbounded new versions of William? s Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Nevertheless, Baz Lurhmann directed a very modern version of this famed play, replacing daggers by guns and horses by cars, and level off much. The main reason and advantage of the modernisation of certain guesss is to lead to a clearer nitty-gritty and a better understanding of the story. First, the handler showd the situation or the feelings of the characters by using modern means much(prenominal) as fireworks for an intense party or guns or fire for hate.This is even much(prenominal) clearly shown in the elevator scene, where Romeo and Juliet go hide to kiss, the elevator symbolizing the fact that they want to be outside from the early(a)s and impede about the world. Also, the costumes during the party give us a clearer idea of the characters? personalities and roles Juliet, as an angel, is stand for as innocent, virgin and pure Romeo as a masked knight is secrecy from the Capulets and is Juliet? s savior Tybalt, disguised as a devil, is evil and full of anger, and finally, the prince is be as a policeman throughout the whole movie, in order to emphasize his authority.Another modern way to express more clearly the character? s feelings, apart from Shakespeare? s dialogs, are the songs, which set quick the atmosphere of the scenes, because of its music, and its explicit lyrics. For example, the song necking you sets a romantic atmosphere. On the other side, some of the modernization takes away from the play, and I think Baz Lurhmann used to much filthiness in his movie, which can make it wager sometimes ridiculous and exaggerated, and made the attestor feel a little disappointed.For example, the strawman of drugs, and shocking costumes or dances, such as Mercutio? disguise and performance during the party, was not infallible for the understanding of the story. Also, Friar Laurence doesn? t take care as wise or self-righteous as in the pl ay when he is sleeping in the middle of his plants, with a flowery shirt. Finally, the fact that Juliet shot herself in the head at the ending scene seems like a more violent, cover and hard way to die than by the dagger in the play, which is a more romantic way to die. As a conclusion, the modernization of William? s Shakespeare play brings a lot to the story, but also takes away some of its original romanticism, which is replaced by vulgarity.